VC-4: Part 1

I’d like to write a program that explores VC-4 since it’s the only 4-series platform I’ll have access to for a while. And since VC-4 doesn’t run the logic engine, we get to program the whole thing in SIMPL#! Here’s a rough drawing of how this system will function:

Conceptual drawing of our conference room system
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SIMPL# Pro Primer: Part 4

Originally, I wanted to make Part 4 similar to the program in Part 3, just showing how to do it with a DMPS instead. But testing it means I have to get a DMPS setup in my lab and I don’t feel like doing that just yet. So instead, we’ll take a step back and look at how to gather information about the processor we’re running on.

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SIMPL# Pro Primer: Part 3 (continued)

We didn’t get very far in the last tutorial, but we did get all of our devices added successfully to the program. We’re going to continue using the same project and finish it by creating a user interface and adding some program logic.

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SIMPL# Pro Primer: Part 3

By now you should be a pro at creating new SIMPL# Pro projects. Let’s create another one, but we’re going to set this one up slightly different this time. We’ll still call it Part3, but change the solution name to Primer:

Slight change in project creation, we’ll add everything to the Primer solution from now on
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